Microsoft Yarn team's remit was to innovate around advertising experiences on the Win 8 platform. The brief on this project was to innovate an 'in-app' advertising experience that provides a truly immersive alternative to regular embedded advertising media.


Partnering with both All Saint's clothing and Vice magazine, this complex interactive ad-experience brought a new way of user-interaction and brand communication within a third-party app.

The 'scrolling story' concept was a Windows 8 ad format, that through using touch, reveals brand messaging based on user interaction and scroll position within the app. Post-click, the unit opens full-screen within the Vice application to reveal a rich, immersive video panorama that users can fully explore using touch and swipe.

As the user scrolls horizontally, the image in the ad unit comes “alive.” This viewing experience pivots off of the scroll position alone and does not need any other triggers to activate.


Original sketches mapping out the experience.


Refined user experience mapping prior to prototyping


The creative direction of this experience was developed in partnership with BNB creative. The luxurious banquet scene served as a backdrop for users exploring the full-screen experience, interacting with individual characters, learning more about the collection pieces whilst experiencing tertiary content that supports the overall All Saints brand creative.

  • Black

    RGB: #000000

  • Silver Blue

    RGB: 667C8C

  • Light Grey

    RGB: #636363

  • White